Create Custom Dice Art

Step 1: Upload Image

Upload Image
Crop Design
Choose Conversion

Instantly create your own custom Dice Artwork by following these simple steps.


-The subject is well lit and very clearly visible in the cropped image.

-Focusing on one part of the image allows for more detail to be generated in the dice design.

-There is too much 'information' in the original picture to generate a clear image using dice.

-The resulting dice image will not be as detailed if too many faces are included.

Upload Your Image Here - Cropping on next page

I agree to all Terms & Conditions.

No offensive content, trademarks or copyright material may be used, and only images that you have the rights to use may be submitted. You acknowledge that, if the image is of or includes another person, you have obtained the consent of the subject(s) for their image to be used by Dice Ideas Ltd. to create the resulting dice portrait.

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