About Us

We founded Dice Ideas Ltd. in 2020 with a simple aim in mind: create astonishing artwork which inspires and engages as many people as possible.

Our inspiration is derived from a spectra of sports personalities, artists and entrepreneurs who we love and respect. Just like our idols, we want to apply the same dedication and persistence in the pursuit of our goal to produce meaningful works.

Since becoming friends over 20 years ago at primary school, we have always followed our passions. Whether that's sports, technology, music or design, our lives have always been about championing collaboration and creativity.

If you’d like to know more about us: get in touch about commission pieces, or drop us a line.
Image of Ross Montgomery
Image of Ben Hoblyn

What Clients Say

"That's class! Blows my mind."
Chelsea Football Club
Chelsea Football Club Commissioned Artwork
"It's incredible what you're able to do."
Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Garden Commissioned Artwork
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